Zpět na nabídky práce Hlavní město Praha

Nabídka práce IT Security Specialist - Praha

Ke dni 26.04.2024 nabízí Toyota Tsusho Europe SA Czech Republic Branch (26455137, Praha) volné pracovní místo na pozici IT Security Specialist v obci Praha (okres Hlavní město Praha).
Nabídnutá (minimální) mzda za (pružná pracovní doba) je 55 000 Kč. Tato nabídka volného pracovního místa byla na našem serveru naposledy aktualizována: 26. 4. 2024 .

Pracovní pozice:
IT Security Specialist
Toyota Tsusho Europe SA Czech Republic Branch
Místo práce:
Praha (Hlavní město Praha)
pružná pracovní doba
Nástup dne:
55 000 Kč
Poslední aktualizace:
26. 4. 2024
Text nabídky:
Lenka Sovová, e-mail: zaslat email Main tasks: " Supporting IT security and governance activities of whole EU region branches and affiliated companies. " Implementing and monitoring All Toyota Security Guideline (ATSG) to whole EU region by getting support from Japan HQ. " Collaborating with Japan HQ to support whole EU region IT security governance activities. " Monitoring and reporting Computer security incident for whole EU region. " Identifying the cause of incident and executing countermeasures. " Monitoring EPM/EDR, Global Secure Network (GSNW), and SOC activities with our IT Subsidiary company. " Considering Business Continuity Plan (BCP) from IT Security aspect with our IT leaders. " IT Audit remote support for whole EU region branches and affiliated companies. (J-SOX and Statutory audit) Requirements: " Advanced level of English - speaking and writing. " At least basic knowledge of Czech language is preferable. " At least 3 years of work experience in IT Security area. " Practical knowledge of certification for JSOX, TISAX, ISO27001 or NIS2. " Academic background : graduating from University, or relevant (longer) working experience " Intermediate knowledge of Cybersecurity. (Technical and latest trends) " At least basic knowledge of ERP/SAP and IT Infrastructure. " Driving License B. " Good communication skill with people of different nationalities. " Good analytical and problem solving attitude. " High motivation for learning in IT security and governance. Personal prerequisites: " Attitude of taking responsibility for own work. " A willingness to consult with others. " Attitude to approach things with a flexible mindset. We offer: " Flexible working hours. " 5 weeks of vacation. " Sick days (5 days a year). " Catering allowance. " Every month contribution to account in Benefity.cz system (Cafeteria system). " Pension insurance contribution. " Operational Leasing for Toyota cars. " Opportunities for education and systematic development. " Drinks at the workplace for free.

Kontaktní údaje

Toyota Tsusho Europe SA Czech Republic Branch
Kontaktní osoba:
Lenka Sovová,

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